Facial Surgery

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Neck Lifts

Firm & Define Your Neck

Neck lift surgery corrects loose skin and vertical bands on the neck as well as sagging jowls along the jawline. This procedure can remove excess fat, tighten the underlying neck muscle, and eliminate excess skin to improve the contour of the neck and jawline and create a more youthful profile.

If you would like to experience the benefits of a neck lift, now might be the right time if you:

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Neck Lifts

The Benefits of a Neck Lift

The Benefits of
a Neck Lift

Removes Excess Fat Deposits

Displaced fat in the neck, along the jawline, and on the underside of the chin is removed to produce a slender and better defined lower face and neck.

Eliminates a “Turkey Neck”

Loose, sagging skin is tightened to eliminate a “turkey neck” and reveal smooth, wrinkle-free neck contours.

Defines Your Jawline

A sagging jawline or a jaw that blends in with the neck can be corrected to provide a chiseled jawline that distinctly separates your lower face from your neck.

Corrects Muscle Banding

Vertical bands on the neck caused by a stretched platysma muscle are corrected as the muscle is tightened, and natural, youthful results are achieved.

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Neck Lifts
Neck Lifts

Types of Neck Lifts

Full Neck Lift

During a full neck lift procedure, incisions are made under the chin and behind the ears. The platysma muscle is tightened (platysmaplasty), excess fat is removed, and the tissues are repositioned before excess skin is carefully trimmed away. The new contouring is secured with sutures, and the incisions are closed.


Liposuction Neck Lift

Patients with good skin quality and whose main signs of aging in the neck are due to excess or displaced fat can benefit from liposuction alone. Small, inconspicuously placed incisions are used to suction out fat through a cannula (thin, hollow tube).


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Face Lifts

Timeless Beauty Awaits

Facelift surgery, technically known as a “rhytidectomy,” is a cosmetic procedure designed to provide a more youthful facial appearance. Over time, heredity, gravity, stress, and environmental conditions take a toll on our skin and cause us to look noticeably older.

A facelift improves signs of aging in the face and neck, including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, jowls, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and hollows beneath the eyes.

If you can relate to any of the following, a facelift may be the right option for you:

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Face Lifts

The Benefits of a Face Lift

The Benefits of
a Face Lift

Restore Your Confidence

Facelift surgery provides a significantly more youthful, rested appearance, which allows patients to feel better about themselves and boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Natural-Looking Results

Previous facelift techniques only tightened the skin, resulting in a pulled or “wind-blown” look. Current facelift techniques tighten the skin as well as the underlying structures of the face, providing very natural-looking results that are long lasting.

Feel Younger

A facelift can take up to ten years off of your appearance, and when you look younger, you often feel younger. With facelift surgery, you can look as young as you feel.

Multiple Options

Whether you desire minimal wrinkle correction or complete facial rejuvenation, there are various facelift options to meet any and all of your needs.

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Face Lifts
Face Lifts

Types of Face Lifts

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift addresses fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin in the lower face, jowls, and neck. The surgeon tightens the facial muscles and removes sagging skin to provide a more youthful appearance. The surgeon may also redistribute or remove fat with liposuction to provide the most aesthetically pleasing results.

A traditional facelift provides the following benefits:

Limited Incision Facelift

A limited incision facelift is a less-invasive alternative to the traditional facelift. It is an ideal procedure for men and women who seek a subtle improvement to the lower face.

A limited incision facelift provides the following benefits:

Your Beauty, Our Expertise

Get in touch with us and request your appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you!