Body Surgery

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Sculpting Beauty

Micro-liposuction at Always Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is our minimally invasive, no downtime, power-assisted lipo-sculpture procedure. No general anesthesia is necessary! Various convenient forms of sedation are available.

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A New You Awaits

Mommy Makeover surgery is a combination of procedures that address the undesirable effects that pregnancy can have on a woman’s body. These effects may include sagging and deflated breasts, weakened abdominal muscles, loose skin on the abdomen, and the accumulation of excess fat on various areas of the body.

The Mommy Makeover is customized to meet the unique needs of each patient. In just one surgery, the breasts can be augmented and/or lifted, the abdomen can be sculpted, and excess fat can be removed. Many women choose this surgery to:

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Achieve the Look You Desire

A Mommy Makeover combines two or more of the following procedures to achieve the look you desire:

Breast Lift and/or Breast Augmentation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause a loss of firmness and volume in the breasts, which often results in sagging breasts with loose skin. A breast lift can restore a more youthful, attractive breast shape and projection. A breast lift is often combined with implants to augment the size of a woman’s breasts and restore her confidence.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Pregnancy usually takes the greatest toll on the abdomen as the skin is stretched, and the abdominal muscles become separated. Tummy tuck surgery removes excess skin and fat, along with any stretch marks located on the skin that is removed, and tightens weakened abdominal muscles to produce a more toned and slender midsection.


After pregnancy and childbirth, many women notice that fat has collected in areas that are very difficult to target with diet and exercise. Liposuction can remove excess fat from many of the most common “trouble zones,” including the arms, back, abdomen, hips, and thighs to help boost a woman’s self-esteem.

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High-definition Liposuction

Elevate Your Beauty to High-Definition

High Definition (HD) Liposuction and Liposculpture HD is a more specialized form of liposculpture for high-impact results. Also offers minimal sedation or maximal sedation for your comfort. Liposculpture (HD) is not for everyone, but excellent results are expected.

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Back Bra Roll Reduction & Removal
Back Bra Roll
Reduction & Removal

A New You with Lasting Beauty

Back Bra Roll Reduction is accomplished using Power Assisted Liposuction and excess skin excision. Scars are typically hidden in the armpit and bra line and give excellent improvement to the back and waistline.

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Post Weight Reduction Body Contouring
Post Weight Reduction Body Contouring

Tailoring Beauty After Weight Loss

Post-weight reduction contouring is accomplished with the circumferential body lift. Modifications to the procedure include tailoring the operation to the individual needs of the patient. Modifications to the procedure, including tailoring the operation to the individual needs of the patient.

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Rediscover Your Confidence

Tummy tuck surgery, also known as “abdominoplasty,” is a procedure that produces a flatter and more slender abdomen by removing excess skin and fat. This procedure can also tighten stretched abdominal muscles to achieve a more toned midsection. A tummy tuck may be right for you if:

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How Can a Tummy Tuck Help?

Tighten Abdominal Muscles

Pregnancy, natural aging, and weight gain can cause the abdominal muscles to become stretched and separated. These loose muscles often cause the abdomen to permanently protrude from the body, and it is next to impossible to completely repair these muscles through exercise. After the skin and underlying tissues are separated from the abdominal wall, your abdominal muscles are tightened to improve definition and shape in the midsection.

Improved Confidence

Sagging skin, excess fat, and weak muscles in the abdominal region can cause embarrassment and detract from a person’s self-confidence. Tummy tuck surgery eliminates these problems to produce a flatter and more attractive abdominal area that you won’t be afraid to show off.

Eliminate Stubborn Fat

Patients who have achieved a healthy weight are often left with areas of fat deposits that are difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. Liposuction can be performed during the tummy tuck procedure to remove this stubborn fat and produce a more slender midsection.

Remove Stretch Marks

Weight gain and pregnancy are nearly always accompanied by stretch marks as the skin expands. Stretch marks that appear on the skin of the lower abdomen are eliminated as this excess skin is removed.

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Enhance Your Beauty

The butt lift improves the appearance of a sagging, drooping buttocks. Excess gluteal skin is removed, and the remaining tissue is lifted to provide a tighter, rounder butt appearance. Restoring the appearance of the buttocks can enhance the shape and curvature of your physique.

Incisions are placed along the upper edge of the buttocks. Sagging skin is trimmed away, and the remaining tissue is lifted to provide a firmer appearance.

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Scrotal Lift (Scrotoplasty)

Renew & Rejuvenate

The scrotal tuck is an operation that gets little attention but for middle-aged men, the surgery returns their aged scrotum to its original vim and vigor. Scars are typically imperceptible and recovery is rapid.

Your Beauty, Our Expertise

Get in touch with us and request your appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you!